A magical detective dives into the affairs of Chicago’s divine monsters to secure a future with the love of her life. This sapphic period piece will dazzle anyone looking for mystery, intrigue, romance, magic, or all of the above.

An exiled auspex who sold her soul to save her brother’s life is offered one last job before serving an eternity in hell. When she turns it down, her client sweetens the pot by offering up the one payment she can’t resist?the chance to have a future where she grows old with the woman she loves.

To succeed, she is given three days to track down the White City Vampire, Chicago’s most notorious serial killer. If she fails, only hell and heartbreak await.

Even Though I Knew The End by C.L. Polk was somehow both exactly what I expected, and yet quite different.

It has the great LGBT rep I was looking for, but is a bit darker than I thought from previous books I read by the author.

The story was bittersweet and left me both happy and sad, in the best of ways.

I loved the time period, and while I’m not usually into the religious angels and demons, I can enjoy it when done well. And here I was hooked all the way through.

Especially the voice of the MC drew me in right away.

It is a great mix of murder mystery, historical sapphic romance, fantasy / mythology blend and family issues.

I read the whole thing in one go, and was sad when I reached the end. I’d happily have spend more time with these characters!


By Julia Kitvaria Sarene

Kitvaria Sarene has been a bookseller in Germany from 2003-2024. Her love of books only grew over the years, just as her love for fantasy and sci-fi did! Especially interested in indie publishing and discovering new talents she joined reading for SPFBO 3 in 2017.

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