The Evolution of the Fantasy-Faction Anthology Cover Art

They’re here! The limited first editions of the Fantasy-Faction Anthology have landed in the UK and the US!

UK eds   US eds

Making this anthology was a labor of love for all involved and we would like to once again thank all the amazing authors that donated stories and congratulate and thank the contest winners for their participation. And while we often focus on the inside of books where the heart of the anthology lies, today I thought you might like to see how the outside of our book came to be.

Fantasy-Faction Anthology (cover)

Many of you have already seen the front cover, drawn by the amazing Hannah Holloway. However, unless you were lucky enough to snag a UK copy you have yet to see the complete picture.

But I’m getting ahead of myself.

The cover began with Marc and I trying to decide what would be a good image to capture the feel of such a diverse anthology. Us being us, we decided on a dragon. Now three of our stories contained dragons, but we settled on the bone-white dragon from contest winner Jessalyn Heaton’s “The Unsung”. We sent the story to Hannah and she came back with a sketch that would become our finished artwork.

Sketch by Hannah Holloway

When the sketch was approved Hannah sent us the line art that would become the finished piece.

Line Art by Hannah Holloway

At this point I was a wee bit excited and might have squeed more than is professional. 😉

With approval given, Hannah finished the color work and sent us this amazing finished picture:

Cover Art by Hannah Holloway

After the artwork was finished, our typographer, Anthony Wanschura, finished off the design with the words that completed our cover.

Finished Cover (small)

The result of their hard work was a thing of beauty professional enough to compete in any bookstore and fantastical enough to spark the imagination of readers eager to find a new set of stories to read. We’d like to thank Hannah and Anthony again for their amazing work that helped our stories shine!

There are still a few limited first editions left in the US. We are sold out of UK copies. If you’d like to order a copy you can do so here. If you missed the first edition, don’t worry we will be releasing the second edition and an ebook in September. 🙂

Thank you all again for your support of our site. We couldn’t do this without you!

You can visit Hannah’s art site here. You can visit Anthony’s portfolio site here.


By Jennie Ivins

Jennie is the Editor of Fantasy-Faction. She lives with her math loving husband and their three autistic boys (one set of twins & one singleton). In-between her online life and being a stay-at-home mom, she is writing her first fantasy series. She also enjoys photography, art, cooking, computers, science, history, and anything else shiny that happens across her field of vision. You can find her on Twitter @autumn2may.

3 thoughts on “The Evolution of the Fantasy-Faction Anthology Cover Art”
  1. Just wanted to check on when copies of the Anthology will be hitting Canada? I pre ordered back in August and I notice people in the UK and USA are receiving their copies. Just want to know when orders going to Canada are expected to arrive. Forgive me if this has been posted elsewhere. Thank you.

    1. Yes! Sorry the Canadian orders went out a bit later than the US orders. I had a bit of an issue with my online stamp program. But yours and the others went out and are en route as we speak. 🙂

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