Fantasy-Faction Night @ Blackwell’s – Event Info

When we announced, last week, that Fantasy-Faction is holding a Fantasy Night with our good friends at Blackwell’s Book Shop in London – people were pretty excited. And rightly so, because it’s going to be awesome!

Fantasy Night Poster

Of course, when the announcement was made, things were still being locked down and we were confirming everything with the authors involved, but now – we can officially release the plans for the night:

Event Details For Those Who Missed Them

For the first time ever, Myke Cole and Peter V. Brett will be flying to the UK in order to meet fans and sign copies of their books – together. And, with Joe Abercrombie’s (A) Red Country due out just a few weeks later – it seemed logical to invite him along too! So there you have it: Joe Abercrombie, Peter V. Brett and Myke Cole all in the same room, signing books and talking with their loyal fans. We also have a few other plans that will be revealed closer to the time: and here they are!

Fantasy Night Details

So, yes – the event will take place in Blackwell’s in London, England. And although we have no way of measuring it, we feel safe in saying that this is the most “awesome” Blackwell’s has ever had packed into their store in one go! You can sign up by heading over to the Facebook page here.

If you have any questions please e-mail: We hope to see you there!


By Overlord

is a Martial Artist, Reader, Student, Boston Terrier owner, Social Media Adviser (to UK Gov/Parliament) and the founder of It's a varied, hectic life, but it's filled with books and Facebook and Twitter and Kicking stuff - so he'd not have it any other way.

9 thoughts on “Fantasy-Faction Night @ Blackwell’s – Event Info”
  1. Looking forward to it – a great chance to meet some US authors before I…um…fly out to Chicago for WorldCon. OK, so maybe I’m doing it wrong 🙂

    Still, should be an awesome evening!

  2. I can’t wait, really looking forward to it. Just booked time off work! Hope to see everyone there

  3. Why don’t you record the fantasy night and release it as a fantasy faction podcast! I miss the podcast !!!!!!!!!!!

  4. […] along on the sequel to London Falling, and I’m celebrating by going along tonight to the High Fantasy Night at Blackwell’s in London’s Charing Cross Road.  This week I also got back to the […]

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