The Armored Saint by Myke Cole
To be able to write efficiently in more than one genre is a rare talent. Although I loved his first series, I going to be really honest at the onset…
To be able to write efficiently in more than one genre is a rare talent. Although I loved his first series, I going to be really honest at the onset…
This review contains spoilers for Gemini Cell. Please read with caution if you have yet to finish the first book. You can find Fantasy-Faction’s review for Gemini Cell here. Javelin…
We’ve made no secret that we are big Myke Cole fans here at Fantasy-Faction and it is undeniable that with each book Myke’s work gets better and better. If you’ve…
With each book, Myke Cole levels up, and Gemini Cell is no exception. This is Cole’s best work to date—a blending of magic, action, and romance that fans of Cole…
Fantasy-Faction has been lucky enough to do a number of the UK cover reveals for Myke Cole’s Shadow Ops novels. I must admit that in August last year, when we…
We’ve made no secret of our admiration of the work of Myke Cole over the years… We’ve given all three of his books, Control Point, Fortress Frontier and Breach Zone…
As part of his promotional efforts for his latest novel, Breach Zone, Myke Cole spoke recently at the Library of Congress as part of the “What If Science Fiction and…
After reading Control Point, book one in the Shadow Ops series, I insisted you “bunker down as the fireballs fly with the bullets and enjoy one of 2012’s most exciting…
Huge News: Fantasy-Faction has been lucky enough to secure yet another Myke Cole cover reveal! I have to say that as impressed as I was with the covers that gift-wrapped…
Editor’s Note: This review contains spoilers for Control Point. If you have yet to read the first book please read with caution. Control Point, the first book in the Shadow…
Welcome back to our interview with Myke Cole, author of the military fantasy series, Shadow Ops. If you missed part one you can read it here. And now back to…
One year ago, Jennie Ivins interviewed Myke Cole before his debut novel Control Point was published. Well, it’s another year, Myke has another novel, Fortress Frontier, and Fantasy-Faction got another…