The Elder Scrolls: The Official Cookbook by Chelsea Monroe-Cassel
Elder Scrolls fandom, it’s time to celebrate! Have you ever wanted to feast on the unique cuisines of the Argonians, Imperials, Khajiit, and more? Well, now you can! The Elder…
Elder Scrolls fandom, it’s time to celebrate! Have you ever wanted to feast on the unique cuisines of the Argonians, Imperials, Khajiit, and more? Well, now you can! The Elder…
I’ve bought two new MMOs recently. I found myself with a little free time and needed something to occupy myself outside of writing book three. First was Crowfall and second…
Gaming. It’s a big thing in nerd culture, and yes, I do consider myself a gamer. Though perhaps not a super serious one, I played quite a lot while growing…
I started playing MMOs back when Ultima Online (UO) was only one world, when a red name struck fear into my heart and my armour consisted of a death shroud,…
I have no desire to stalk and kill big game across the savanna plains of Africa. To be honest, the whole concept of big game hunting; shooting and killing an…
Brett A. Brooks has long been involved in both the comic and gaming world. He has written comics for both Dark Horse and Tekno Comics, as well as working on…
You know, when I first heard that Netflix was doing a four-episode animated Castlevania TV series, I have to admit, I wasn’t really all that interested. I mean, let’s face…
Humanity has played games for as long as we’ve been able to make up rules and keep score. As we’ve developed as a species, we’ve created thousands of games, and…
What’s the deal with interactive storytelling? Glad you asked. If you know me, you’ll know that I’ve been making video games since I was a kid, banging away at the…
It isn’t often that you bring home a game that is a legitimate contender for the title of Greatest Game Ever Made. Games, like books, are so personal and subjective…
When I asked Twitter whether I should buy the first Witcher game, I got a unanimous YES. One gentleman informed me that the games were based on a series of…
I was eight years old on August 22, 1987—the day The Legend of Zelda was released in the United States. A month later I turned nine and received a copy…