Livestream Chat with Fonda Lee, Andrea G. Stewart, and K. S. Villoso

Live Interview - K S Villoso, Andrea Stewart, and Fonda Lee (insta sq)

On Friday September 18th, we are hosting a livestream chat with Orbit authors Fonda Lee, Andrea G. Stewart, and K.S. Villoso at 4pm EST in our Facebook Group!

We’ll be talking about their new releases, the state of Asian-fantasy, and a TV deal!

The chat will be moderated by JC Kang and Virginia McClain and you will be able to ask the authors questions during the livestream!

Direct link to the chat will be posted when it goes live and will be pinned to the top of the Facebook Group.

Link to Facebook Group:

Link to Livestream: Watch live here!

Come and join us!

EDIT: The livestream is over, but if you missed it you can watch the whole thing here.


By Jennie Ivins

Jennie is the Editor of Fantasy-Faction. She lives with her math loving husband and their three autistic boys (one set of twins & one singleton). In-between her online life and being a stay-at-home mom, she is writing her first fantasy series. She also enjoys photography, art, cooking, computers, science, history, and anything else shiny that happens across her field of vision. You can find her on Twitter @autumn2may.

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