If you’re a fantasy fan then you undoubtedly like dragons. Whether they are friendly and wise or unspoken and fierce, having a dragon feature in a fantasy novel will almost always improve it (I don’t have a link to the scientific research confirming this, but it is out there. I am sure).

Oh, and you know what can be just as good as reading about a dragon? Seeing an artists take on one! Especially when that take conjures up something new and exciting. Well, today’s cover reveal does just that. It is for a novel called the The Dragon Engine and it is FRICKEN AWESOME. Before we treat you to said cover though, here’s the book blurb (equally AWESOME):

Five noble war heroes of Vagandrak get drunk one night and sign a contract – to journey to the Karamakkos in search of the Five Havens where, it is written, there lies untold, abandoned wealth and, more importantly, the three Dragon Heads, legendary jewels claimed to give unspeakable power and everlasting life to those who wield them.

But the Dragon Heads aren’t what the adventurers think they are, and the world has not encountered their like in generations!


So, epic fantasy quest – check, five foolhardy adventures – check, dragons – check. It’s all sounding very good isn’t it? So lets see that cover, shall we:


Just raised your expectations? How could it not! Red eyes – obviously evil. Steely body – impenetrable. Fire and claws – ain’t getting near an off switch. I can’t wait to meet this guy (well, see disposable heroes meet this guy – I’ll be keeping well away).

Andy Remic complimented, Lee Gibbons,  the cover artist, saying “I’m absolutely delighted […] It’s mean, brooding and dangerous. And she’d kick Smaug’s ass any day of the week.” Indeed, a dragon fiercer than Smaug has been promised on a number of occasions in the publicity materials leading up to this title’s release and Andy’s writing style seems perfect to showcase such a beast. His former novels – such as The Iron Wolves and Clockwork Vampire Chronicles series – have picked up many positive reviews for seamless transitions between action, humour and brutal unflinching descriptiveness.

The publishers, Angry Robot, are as excited about the cover as Andy and, in fact, it was Marc Gasgoine (Top Man at Angry Robot) who first spotted the talents of the artist – offering him his first commission – years ago at Games Workshop (the guys in charge of Warhammer!).

NEL-1141 Aldiss EarthworksFinally, we’ve got some words from Lee who gives us a bit of insight into what he was looking to create with the cover. He told us: “For The Dragon Engine, I’ve taken inspiration from a 1970s painting by Bruce Pennington (which I think was for the Brian Aldiss book Earthworks). Even though the execution and design is completely different, I hope I’ve managed to get some of the same ominous feel of the black metal figure featured in that painting.”

He added that “It’s always a pleasure to create science fiction and fantasy covers”, explaining “there’s much less opportunity in the rest of publishing these days to produce these kinds of images”. I must admit that I feel that too. When you look at the covers of novels in other genres they tend to be photoshopped vector type covers or photographed models / animals touched up with photoshop. I guess I’m a little biased though!

Anyway, do let us know what you think and you can read more about Andy’s work at andyremic.com or follow him on Twitter feed: twitter.com/andyremic


By Overlord

is a Martial Artist, Reader, Student, Boston Terrier owner, Social Media Adviser (to UK Gov/Parliament) and the founder of Fantasy-Faction.com. It's a varied, hectic life, but it's filled with books and Facebook and Twitter and Kicking stuff - so he'd not have it any other way.

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