We’ve heard some great news from Angry Robot today. They’ve picked up another author for their already hugely impressive list, Alex Wells. Rumour has it that Alex Wells is a pseudonym, but we couldn’t possibly confirm or deny. But we can tell you a bit about them.

“Alex Wells is a writer, geologist, and sharp-dressed sir. They’ve had short stories in Strange Horizons, Lightspeed, Daily Science Fiction, Shimmer, and more. Alex is a host on the popular Skiffy and Fanty podcast, where they talk about movies and other nerdy sci-fi and fantasy things.”

The book Angry Robot have snapped up from Alex is described as a cross between Dune and Sons of Anarchy (proof in a sec!). It has been hailed not only for the unique atmosphere of the genre mash up, but also the kickass heroine – the kind proving very popular in modern fantasy and science-fiction.

Anyway, brace yourself for a pretty fricken awesome cover by Ignacio Lazcano. Ready? Okay.. Check this out!

Hunger Makes the Wolf (cover)

Oh, you didn’t believe us when we mentioned Sons of Anarchy in relation to an SFF book? Ha!

Here’s what the author, Alex Wells, had to say about the hugely impressive cover:

“The cover is perfect. Hob looks badass and like she’s going to go for the throat, which is so true for the character. She’s not pretty, she’s not cheesecake, and she’s not there to mess around. Tanegawa’s World is everything I imagined it to be: rugged, beautiful, and deadly.”

Now, let us hand you over to the publisher, for their official description, so you can hurry up and add this to your TBR list:

Hunger Makes the Wolf (cover)The strange planet known as Tanegawa’s World is owned by TransRifts Inc., the company with the absolute monopoly on interstellar travel. Hob landed there ten years ago, a penniless orphan left behind by a rift ship. She was taken in by Nick Ravani and quickly became a member of his mercenary biker troop, the Ghost Wolves.

Ten years later, she discovers the body of Nick’s brother out in the dunes. Worse, his daughter is missing, taken by shady beings called the Weathermen. But there are greater mysteries to be discovered – both about Hob and the strange planet she calls home.

Hunger Makes the Wolf is out March 3, 2017 (UK/RoW) and March 7, 2017 (US/Can). For more information you can check out Angry Robots’ website.


By Overlord

is a Martial Artist, Reader, Student, Boston Terrier owner, Social Media Adviser (to UK Gov/Parliament) and the founder of Fantasy-Faction.com. It's a varied, hectic life, but it's filled with books and Facebook and Twitter and Kicking stuff - so he'd not have it any other way.

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