How many of the Top 100 Fantasy Authors have you read?

Here’s a quick question for you… How many of the Top 100 Fantasy Authors have you read?

No idea? Well, it is time for you to find out! Fantasy-Faction has stumbled across a List Challenge that allows you to click on the authors you’ve read to easily work out your title:

Click HERE to give it a go

Be sure to give it a shot and let us know in the comments how many you’ve read πŸ™‚


By Overlord

is a Martial Artist, Reader, Student, Boston Terrier owner, Social Media Adviser (to UK Gov/Parliament) and the founder of It's a varied, hectic life, but it's filled with books and Facebook and Twitter and Kicking stuff - so he'd not have it any other way.

11 thoughts on “How many of the Top 100 Fantasy Authors have you read?”
  1. Just did this on fb πŸ˜› …so that’s 41 and a further 16 waiting to be read. Quite pleased with my score as I barely get 25% for most of these types of list usually! πŸ™‚

  2. Oh I only got 26 πŸ™
    Out of the unread ones, some are already in my “wishlist” and others I don’t want to read anyway…
    (I’m actually a late starter to fantasy)

  3. I hadn’t heard of that list; I quite liked it actually. OK balance of gender, classic/modern, popular/cult. I got a paltry 33% (a third ain’t so bad), and I would like to have read at least 75%, if not more. Also, I found out that I’m now so skeeved out by a particular author’s fiction that apparently now I can also be skeeved out by his photo.

  4. 55… I think.

    I’ve read a fair amount of short story anthologies and there’s a good chance I forgot a couple of authors.

  5. 56 for me…

    I may have this wrong but to be a successful male fantasy writer requires:

    Receding (or non-existent) hairline – Check!
    Facial hair – Does morning stubble count?

    If you haven’t got one (or both of those) – forget it πŸ™‚

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