Fantasy-Faction Podcast – Episode 1

Well, it is with great pleasure that I can bring to you, our loyal readers and now listeners, the first ever Fantasy-Faction Podcast! Yes, we’ve been talking about it for a long, long time now, but it’s finally here!

With the podcast we wanted to try and do something a little bit different than you would generally expect from the other fantasy podcasts out there. We didn’t really want for our podcast to be boring debates about the lineage of Frodo Baggins or the perimeter of Westeros. Instead, we wanted to spice things up a little and keep it varied.

So, this is how things will run:

Week 1: An interview with a well known author or professional from the world of publishing.
Week 2: A main feature, Q&A (based on twitter and forum responses), a book review (in the form of a challenge).

We want to remind you all that this is our first ever time recording our own voices for the listening public and so, things can only get better! We’d love for you to leave your thoughts and suggestions on the podcast in the comment section below and if you have any questions for upcoming episodes, you can visit our forums and leave them!

Alternatively you can download the podcast as a .MP3 file by right clicking here


  • Joe Abercrombie is the author of the brilliant First Law Trilogy. You can read a review for this here.
  • Our first interview with Joe Abercrombie can be found here.
  •  Other than our Podcast, the only details on (A) Red Country can be found here.
  •  Finally, for more information on Joe Abercrombie, please visit his blog.

By Overlord

is a Martial Artist, Reader, Student, Boston Terrier owner, Social Media Adviser (to UK Gov/Parliament) and the founder of It's a varied, hectic life, but it's filled with books and Facebook and Twitter and Kicking stuff - so he'd not have it any other way.

22 thoughts on “Fantasy-Faction Podcast – Episode 1”
  1. Very cool, wish you guys the best in this endeavor. Podcasting is a lot of fun meeting and learning from the pros. Will you submit this podcast to iTunes? Blubrry has a great plugin for posting podcasts in WordPress. I look forward to your addition to my podcast queue.

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