On top of getting to read a ton of amazing self-published work, every year the Self-Published Fantasy Blog-Off (SPFBO) has a cover contest. Each team picks their favorite three covers from their group of thirty books and then all the judges and the general public get to pick the best of the best!
This year there have been some amazing covers put forward. And you can vote on your favorite here! I’ve also made a Pinterest board with all of the cover art finalists here. (And if you’re not sure what I’m talking about, you can get the full run down here. And learn more about our judges here.)
This year we wanted to highlight some of our favorite covers that didn’t make it to the public vote, but we wanted to share with you anyway. So here is our teams favorites from our group of thirty books!
First here are the books we sent through to the cover finals.

And now let’s see what each judge picked as their top three!
Judge’s Top Three
Adawia Asad

Agatha Lopez

Becca Lee Gardner

Blake Skelton

G. R. Matthews

Julia Kitvaria Sarene

Kerry Smith

Robert Max Freeman

Yaniv Rosenfeld Cohen

Jennie Ivins (me)

Overall we had some amazing art to choose from this year and we can’t wait to see what the insides of these books hold! You can see our entire cover selection here. And don’t forget to vote on your favorites in the finals!
Title image concept thanks to Brandi Redd.
Hey Jennie! Just curious about where the covers are sourced from? Not an issue on my end (as I didn’t really expect to make the finals), but I notice in the pintrest link the cover for Soul Relic (my entry) isn’t the one submitted in the SPFBO form. If the covers are being sourced from something like the original goodreads version, no issues, I might just flick Mark an email so he can update the form for next years entries so authors are aware 🙂
It is very possible that I sourced it from the wrong place. XD Mark did have a list of covers, but I think I put the Pinterest board together before we had the files available. Sorry about that…