Emma Newman’s Split World series was picked up by Angry Robot last year after discovering her through her series of short stories. Every week for a year and a day she released a short story set in her world leading up to the release date for the first book, Between Two Thorns. Fantasy-Faction was lucky enough to host one of the last short stories in the series and now Angry Robot has given us the privilege of revealing the cover for her second book, Any Other Name!

Cat has been forced into an arranged marriage with William – a situation that comes with far more strings than even she could have anticipated, especially when she learns of his family’s intentions for them both.

Meanwhile, Max and the gargoyle investigate The Agency – a mysterious organisation that appears to play by its own rules – and none of them favourable to Society.

Over in Mundanus, Sam has discovered something very peculiar about his wife’s employer – something that could herald a change for everyone in both sides of the Split Worlds.

And now without further ado, the cover for Any Other Name!

Any Other Name (cover reveal)
Cover Artist: Sarah J Coleman

I love the image of the Tower Bridge at the bottom and the touch of color the flowers bring to the edges. If you’re new to this series and are unfamiliar with the cover of the first book, here they are side by side.

Any Other Name and Between Two Thorns (covers)

The first novel features the Pulteney Bridge in Bath and I love how the bridge and flower theme was carried over for the second title. Angry Robot has given the fantasy world yet another great cover and I look forward to seeing what they come up with for book three!

Emma Newman’s first novel in the Split Worlds, Between Two Thorns, is available now. Any Other Name is due out on May 28th in the US and June 6th in the UK. For more information on the Split Worlds, or to read the short stories that accompany the novels, you can visit Emma’s website here or you can follow her on Twitter here. You can also read our reviews of Between Two Thorns here and here, or read her guest post on the evolution of her world here.

You can also see more of Sarah Coleman’s artwork on her website here.


By Jennie Ivins

Jennie is the Editor of Fantasy-Faction. She lives with her math loving husband and their three autistic boys (one set of twins & one singleton). In-between her online life and being a stay-at-home mom, she is writing her first fantasy series. She also enjoys photography, art, cooking, computers, science, history, and anything else shiny that happens across her field of vision. You can find her on Twitter @autumn2may.

6 thoughts on “Cover Reveal: Any Other Name by Emma Newman”
    1. I love these covers – they are so elegant (much like Emma’s writing and her character too).

      Oh, and 2013? I think we’ve been enjoying Emma’s work since way before that ^_^

      I remember speaking to her at BristolCon after having read From Dark Places and getting an early copy of 20 Years Later. I think that was 2011!

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