Robin Hobb - Dragon Haven - 1
Dragon Haven is a continuation of Dragon Keeper and as such we join a group of dragons, and their keepers, as they trek up the Rain Wilds River in search of the ancient Elderling City, Kelsigra. Throughout the journey, the dragons have grown stronger than anyone expected. Feeling the thrill of hunting for themselves, the dragons are given a fresh breath of life and strive harder to reach their final destination.

As the dragons grow stronger so does the tension between keepers, hunters, and those manning the barge. Fights and schemes erupt, love blossoms in unexpected places, and the keepers undergo physical changes. Tragedy strikes and those that survive wonder if they will ever see home again.

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Much like Dragon Keeper, Dragon Haven is driven by its characters. The direction of the story is rather simple: move dragons from their cocooning grounds, up the Rain Wilds River, and to the Ancient Elderling City of Kelsigra. Without much in terms of twists and turns in the story, we rely on character growth and interaction to keep things interesting. Hobb does a terrific job of making the reader invest emotionally in the characters.

Unfortunately, when this book ended, I was a bit disappointed. First, because it felt as though the entire story was a stepping stone for future novels. I didn’t feel as though I was given proper closure with the people that I became so attached to. Secondly, the last scene literally made me stop reading for a moment and shake my head in disappointment.

Regardless of me not being sold on the way the book closed out, I thought the journey was interesting and enjoyable to read. Storyline is left wide open for Robin Hobb to weave a new tale and I am looking forward to the next novel set in this world.

Don’t want to read the review? Then watch the video below.


By Walt White

My name is Walt White and I am an avid Fantasy reader. Throughout my childhood, I was drawn to Horror and Thrillers. It wasn’t until my adult life, 2007 to be precise, that I read my first Fantasy novel. I was blown away at how much enjoyment I got out of that novel and have been reading the genre since. While reading, I can be found with a cigar clinched between my teeth. I am a passionate cigar smoker and co-founder of Stogie Review, one of the best cigar review websites on the web. In addition to reading and cigars, I also enjoy firearms, photography, and most of all, playing with my beautiful baby girl. More about these pastimes, and other random topics, can be found on my personal blog, Walt In PA.

3 thoughts on “Dragon Haven by Robin Hobb”
  1. Brilliant review as always by the charismatic Walt White 🙂 I love the added element of ‘video’. It’s a shame to hear this book wasn’t ‘perfect’, but I’m glad to hear that it’s open and intriguing non-the-less.

    The word ‘Dragon’ tends to encourage me to pick up a book whether good or bad anyway 😉

  2. It just goes to show just how differently people react to a book, doesn’t it? Like Walt, I loved the character development and the way Hobb wound the tension and difficulties with the disperate group of battling to get the dragons up to Kelsigra. However, I also loved the ending – and thought it brought all the storylines to a satisfactory ending for the book… and would recommend it to anyone – while suggesting that you go back and start at with ‘Dragon Keeper’.

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