Dead Inside: Do Not Enter: Notes from the Zombie Apocalypse by Lost Zombies

This book was an impulse buy for me. I actually picked it up the Monday after it was published at a comic shop in downtown Seattle. Oddly enough, the shop has a whole section on zombies, and if you’re in the area, I definitely recommend Golden Age Comics at Pike Place Market.

Getting back to the task at hand: this book is very straight-forward in its approach. It is a book of notes and photographs from the zombie apocalypse. Lost Zombies is an online community that has been creating an alternate reality game around a present where zombies are real, and the people in their community (the ones who sent in images for this book) are the survivors. Alternate reality games can get pretty intense, and it appears that many of the members of Lost Zombies take their roles seriously.

I was impressed with the variety of materials people used in their notes: pieces of cardboard, Polaroid photographs, childhood drawings… Many of the notes sent chills up my spine. This alternate reality focuses on a flu-like virus spreading through the population in a matter of months, before people are rounded up and sent to a place called Camp Saint Teresa. Teresa is where the zombies first break out and start wreaking havoc on the general population.

The book documents things like wives being worried for their husbands, young adults having to kill their parents, and people barricading themselves into houses to try to hide from the zombies now roaming their streets. The notes are generally hand written, which makes it all the more real for the reader. The effect is chilling.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book. It was a very, very quick read; I think I plowed through it in about fifteen minutes or so. For me, that makes it enjoyable and something that I will definitely take the time to read again and again.


By Kit

When Kit was younger, she wanted nothing more than to be a princess. Instead, she was a plain girl with an evil older brother who liked to push her out of tree houses. After coming to terms with the fact that she would probably never be whisked away by a queen who was, in fact, her mother, Kit began to delve into the realms of fantasy as a means of escape. Now, Kit still enjoys reading fantasy novels, but has also occasionally enjoyed some historical fiction, horror, and sci-fi. Her favorite authors include Terry Goodkind, Anne Bishop, and Peter V. Brett. When she’s not reading, Kit is a paralegal at a small law firm, and an aspiring photographer. She holds an AS in Paralegal Studies from Husson University in Bangor, Maine. Kit currently lives in the Pacific Northwest, where it isn’t quite as rainy as people think it is. She enjoys tea more than she probably ought to, and desires a cat more than anything else. Her favorite pastime is curling up with a book on a rainy day, with a hot cup of tea and a homemade cookie.

2 thoughts on “Dead Inside: Do Not Enter: Notes from the Zombie Apocalypse by Lost Zombies”
  1. This sounds like a great read, Kit! I’ll definitely be checking this out. It reminds me of this one book I saw that was a diary of a zombie outbreak. I wish I could remember the title, but if I see it I’ll probably post a picture of it or maybe do a review for it.
    Excellent review as usual 🙂

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