Gates of Sorrow (cover)

Title: Gates of Sorrow

Author: J. E. Hannaford

Publisher: Self-Published

Genre: Fantasy

Format: Paperback / Ebook

Release Date: April 19, 2024

Star Rating: 9/10

Gates of Sorrow is a great sequel! While many sequels suffer from middle book syndrome, this was just as enjoyable as the first. As book one ended on a cliffhanger, book two jumps right back into the action. Or rather, into the plot! While there are some action scenes, this book is way more about the people, the plans, the world, and everything going on.

It’s still epic fantasy that manages to balance darkness and hope perfectly, so it’s neither overly dark but neither is it too light or fluffy.

The darker parts are countered by strong friendships, nice banter, and a good dose of adventure! I do love a found family bound together with supportive relationships. While evil antiheroes can be compelling (looking at you M. R. Fletcher) there is a relief in finding characters whose fate you care about because you like them as people. These days it can be a relief to escape into a book where you can read about genuinely good people working together.

As if I didn’t love the moonhounds enough, we get yet another animal companion, and I’m so in love! Cute, and still very handy to have as a friend. I want a Charver AND a moonhound please! Oh, and did I mention, there’s dragons?

Those are just a glimpse of the fascinating and sprawling world(s) Hannaford has created. With a background in biology, I adore how realistic everything feels in her world. While I’m happy to suspend disbelief to a degree, some books just make this easier than others. Here I felt right at home, despite all the fresh ideas.

The stakes have risen for all of the POV characters, and big things have been set in motion. While I felt the ending was quite satisfying, this is clearly leading up to a whole new level of danger and a possible war.

I can’t wait to see how the three different POVs will connect at some point, hopefully!


By Julia Kitvaria Sarene

Kitvaria Sarene has been a bookseller in Germany since 2003. Her love of books only grew over the years, just as her love for fantasy and sci-fi did! Especially interested in indie publishing and discovering new talents she joined reading for SPFBO 3 in 2017.

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