Title: A Shadow Over Haven

Author: David Green

Publisher: EERIE RIVER

Genre: Urban Fantasy

Format: Paperback / Ebook

Release Date: September 1, 2024

Star Rating: 9/10

This is another fantastic instalment in a series set in hell – on earth.

Nick Holleran is a main character who I immediately clicked with, especially for his sass and sarcasm! He’s prone to just run into every situation head first, and hopefully a plan will come along at some point. I enjoy his voice so very much, and while I want to shake him every so often, I can always understand why he does things.

In this part of the story, he gets his hands on a very powerful relic, which he had to keep safe, all while not falling into its thrall…

I care a lot for Nick and all those dear to him, so it felt like coming home.

Spending time with favourite characters again, be it his kinda adopted ghost daughter, his girlfriend who might not be magical, but well able to kick ass or the bar owner who won’t be messed about. Then there’s also the ones who I find deeply intriguing, but am still quite wary about – Lucifer himself as well as Death, to name but a few.

They all gained even more depth, and boy do I need the next book right now, as it ends on quite the helldangler, just my luck, as this one isn’t even out yet, I was just lucky enough to get an advanced copy. Luckily he’s a quick writer, so the next one will hopefully be out in spring.

If you like fast paced urban fantasy, without a focus on romance, instead all about friendships and (found) family as well as plenty of action, banter and intrigue, you have to read these!


By Julia Kitvaria Sarene

Kitvaria Sarene has been a bookseller in Germany since 2003. Her love of books only grew over the years, just as her love for fantasy and sci-fi did! Especially interested in indie publishing and discovering new talents she joined reading for SPFBO 3 in 2017.

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