Happy December Factioners!
Last month Fantasy-Faction turned 10! That’s right, ten years ago Marc Aplin founded our main site. 5 years later we started our Facebook group and we’ve been sharing the love of fantasy together ever since!
To celebrate our decade of fantasy, we would like to give back and spread our love of SFF even farther. To do so, we are starting a charity campaign for the month of December to help those less fortunate than ourselves learn to love reading and discover the wonderful world of books.
We have two main charities to donate to, First Book and Give a Book. We are also encouraging all our members to reach out to their local libraries, day programs, etc. to see if they are excepting donations. We know you are all book dragons and have hordes of books in your houses and caves. Mayhaps it’s time to spread some of the wealth of words around to those who need the spark of fantasy the most.
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Our first charity is First Book. They are a nonprofit social enterprise providing new books, learning materials, and other essentials to children in need. Since their founding in 1992, First Book has distributed more than 175 million books and educational resources to programs and schools serving children from low-income families in more than 30 countries.

You can donate to First Book here, or join the campaign in our Facebook Group.
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Our second charity is Give a Book. They are a UK charity set up in 2011, dedicated to promoting books and the pleasure of reading in the hardest places. Their main work is in prisons, schools and with disadvantaged children.
Some of their projects include Books for First Nighters, Making it Up and Breakfast Book Clubs. They also supply books and support for Prison Reading Groups, Book Clubs in Schools, and dictionaries for Reading Ahead.

You can donate to Give a Book here, or join the campaign in our Facebook Group.
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We couldn’t have made it ten years without all of you. And we can’t wait to see what the next ten years brings. Let’s close out this year of sadness and insanity with the best December this world has ever seen. Let’s give the gift of reading and share the love of fantasy, together!
Title image by Theo Crazzolara.
[…] A DECADE OF GOOD BOOKS. Happy birthday to the Fantasy-Faction review site – “Fantasy-Faction Turns 10! Help Us Spread the Love of Reading!” They’re asking fans to celebrate by contributing to organizations that support reading among the […]
A belated happy birthday. I’ve been reading your content for most of those 10 years. All the best for the next decade.