“Bound” is a short story that takes place after the events in Grey Sister. The story focuses on Nona’s life at the Convent of Sweet Mercy, which as readers and fans know, there is never a dull moment. Mark Lawrence provides this interlude as the calm before the storm that is Holy Sister.
After Nona and her friends and fellow novices—Ara, Ruli and Jula—overhear news surrounding the mysterious deaths of members of several noble families—similar to the ones Ara and Joeli are members of, the Sis—the nuns at the Convent decide to investigate with a recruit; and, it’s not Nona! However, that doesn’t stop Nona and the other novices from participating in the action outside of the Convent.
It is through Ara that Nona learns and investigates both the murders and the social practices that go with Ara’s social status. Along with a nun and one of Nona’s former “cage mates,” all of the characters realize quickly that people do not have short memories and the meaninglessness of grudges are part of something bigger. All of this happens as war is coming from two different invading armies.
Nona’s continued growth of her abilities and her awareness will remind readers as to why she is such a relatable character. It is through Nona’s friends and allies that she (and readers) learns more about herself. Readers witness Nona’s insecurities as she realizes that she does care about how people perceive her. Her experiences at Sweet Mercy and during the investigation presents how Nona continues to grow more powerful as she, her friends and her allies prepare for war. Once again, trifle things continue to overshadow more relevant issues that could be devastating for an entire country.
This short story, and trilogy interlude, is perfect for fans of the Book of the Ancestor series. “Bound” is a great precursor as to what’s to come in Holy Sister. Even if readers and fans already read the final book in the series, the short story is worth reading just so they can revisit their favorite characters. Mark Lawrence gives us more of Abeth and adolescent antics in “Bound”.
There is a special bonding scene between two characters in Bound that plays a part in Holy Sister and careful readers may question where it comes from unless they read this story, so I would consider this essential reading. Also, there’s more smooching in this novella than all of Mark’s other books combined. COMBINED!