Joe Abercrombie’s Best & Worst Feedback

Joe-marcWe know some of you guys can’t make our Grim Gathering this Friday (April 10th 2015) in Waterstones, Bristol Galleries; and we know others of you are still on the fence whether or not to phone in sick. Well, because we feel bad for you guys missing out, and we want to tempt the rest of you to pick up that phone and lie to your boss, we decided today would be a good day to start our serialisation of fun videos from the last Grim Gathering.

In today’s video we hear from Joe Abercrombie who tells us about the best piece of feedback he has ever had about one of his novels (which came from a source a little closer to home than you may expect) and also a glimpse into a couple of the worst pieces too:

We have about 15 of these mini-videos and will release them daily over the next few weeks alongside our regular content. We hope you enjoy them and keep coming back for more! In tomorrow’s video we will hear from Mark Lawrence who gives us his opinion on when grim-dark fantasy is too dark and whether he feels he has ever crossed a line in his own writing.

Again, we truly hope to see you at our Grim Gathering event this Friday in Bristol:

Grim Gathering Poster

If you can make it or want more information, sign up to the Facebook event here:


By Overlord

is a Martial Artist, Reader, Student, Boston Terrier owner, Social Media Adviser (to UK Gov/Parliament) and the founder of It's a varied, hectic life, but it's filled with books and Facebook and Twitter and Kicking stuff - so he'd not have it any other way.

One thought on “Joe Abercrombie’s Best & Worst Feedback”
  1. Whoa, that’s a strong lineup of fantasy authors. I’m literally reading through all of their series at the moment. Great fantasy.

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