Authors & Stories Announced for Warrior Women edited by Paula Guran

We love our Science Fiction and Fantasy anthologies here at Fantasy-Faction and although the title ‘Warrior Women‘ for Paula Guran’s upcoming collection had us a little concerned, we’ve been able to breathe a sigh of relief today upon the release of more details about it. We thought there was a good chance we were about to be hit with a well meaning anthology that need up being a cheesy affair with women wearing armoured bikinis and wielding broad swords. However, it seems that our fears were misplaced and the title was chosen in order to widen the meaning of ‘warrior’ and probably tease people like us here at F-F who would make such assumptions too. Although we’ve not actually got our copy yet, we can make some assumptions as to the kind of tales within, because: when was the last time you saw Elizabeth Bear or Kameron Hurley use age-old tropes that leave you rolling your eyes and shaking your head? Exactly! Never, right!? Not only have we got those two authors who sit at the forefront of the genre to look forward to, but names such as George R.R. Martin, Elizabeth Moon, Ken Liu, Tanith Lee and many more will be contributing as well!

Here’s the blurb, the authors taking part, the titles of their work within, and the cover that now has us very excited!


From fantastic legends and science fictional futures come compelling tales of powerful women—or those who discover strength they did not know they possessed—who fight because they must, for what they believe in, for those they love, to simply survive, or who glory in battle itself. Fierce or fearful, they are courageous and honorable—occasionally unscrupulous and tainted—but all warriors worthy of the name.

Content (alphabetical order by author’s last name):

“They Tell Me There Will be No Pain” by Rachel Acks
“Love Among the Talus” by Elizabeth Bear
“The Days of the War, as Red as Blood, as Dark as Bile” by Aliette de Bodard
“Anukazi’s Daughter” by Mary Gentle
“England Under the White Witch” by Theodora Goss
“Soul Case” by Nalo Hopkinson
“Not That Kind of War” by Tanya Huff
“Wonder Maul Doll” by Kameron Hurley
“Joenna’s Ax” by Elaine Isaak
“The Sea Troll’s Daughter” by Caitlín R. Kiernan
“Eaters” by Nancy Kress
“Northern Chess” by Tanith Lee
“The Knight of Chains, The Deuce of Stars” by Yoon Ha Lee
“In the Loop” by Ken Liu
“Dying With Her Cheer Pants On” by Seanan McGuire
“The Lonely Songs of Laren Dorr” by George R. R. Martin
“Naratha’s Shadow” by Sharon Lee & Steve Miller
“Hand to Hand” by Elizabeth Moon
“And Wash Out by Tides of War” by An Owomoyela
“Prayer” by Robert Reed
“The Application of Hope” by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
“Boy Twelve” by Jessica Reisman
“The Girls From Avenger” by Carrie Vaughn
“Become a Warrior” by Jane Yolen

Paula Guran is senior editor for Prime Books. She edited the Juno fantasy imprint from its small press inception through its incarnation as an imprint of Pocket Books. Guran edits the annual Year’s Best Dark Fantasy and Horror series as well as a growing number of other anthologies. (See Books for a list of anthologies, novels, and collections edited.) In an earlier life she produced weekly email newsletter DarkEcho (winning two Stokers, an IHG award, and a World Fantasy Award nomination), edited Horror Garage (earning another IHG and a second World Fantasy nomination), and has contributed reviews, interviews, and articles to numerous professional publications.


By Overlord

is a Martial Artist, Reader, Student, Boston Terrier owner, Social Media Adviser (to UK Gov/Parliament) and the founder of It's a varied, hectic life, but it's filled with books and Facebook and Twitter and Kicking stuff - so he'd not have it any other way.

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