A couple of days ago, James A Moore popped up in a Facebook Group I’m a member of and announced that he’d just signed a deal for a new series. Naturally intrigued, I searched the net for details and was unable to find anything… Then, moments later an e-mail appeared from Angry Robot telling me that James had just signed a new deal with them… so I guess it’s up to me to share? 🙂
Here’s what I know: James A. Moore has signed a second contract with Angry Robot, for a two book deal. The deal was made between head of Angry Robot himself, Marc Gascoigne, and his agent, Howard Morhaim, of the Howard Morhaim Literary Agency.
The book is called The Last Sacrifice and is the first move in The Tides of War series that will follow a man seeking revenge against the gods that took everything he ever had. Here’s the blurb, given to us exclusively by Angry Robot Books:
Since time began the Grakhul have taken sacrifices in the name of their gods, seeking to keep the world in balance and the gods appeased. When they take the family of Brogan McTyre everything changes. The savage warrior declares a war on the gods themselves and begins changing the rules everyone has played by. Unfortunately, the gods do not play on a level field and the odds are pitted heavily against Brogan especially when he accidentally triggers Armageddon. What starts as a minor skirmish grows into a war and then into a quest to stop vengeful gods from destroying everything in their path. In order to save the world, Brogan McTyre must fight the gods themselves.
Sounds pretty awesome doesn’t it? For those who haven’t picked up James’s previous work, it is often compared to Mark Lawrence and Michael J Sullivan, with his epic fantasy novels being labelled as perfect for people who want an easier to digest Game of Thrones type novel. Those who would like to track some of these down should probably look for any of The Tides of War series (covers below).
Of the deal, James A. Moore said: “After careful negotiations, Angry Robot has agreed to return my puppies unharmed. That is, the great folks over at Angry Robot Books have convinced me that my continuing to work with them in the publishing field would be mutually beneficial and has promised me many, many opportunities to speak with my family on the phone in exchange for my complete cooperation. I could not possibly be happier than I am at this moment, knowing that the three severed fingers were, in fact, merely props leftover from a movie and that no children were actually harmed in the course of our negotiations. Our Robot Overlords continue to ask only undying loyalty in exchange for the chance to serve, and really, what more could anyone want in this world? I’m delighted, of course, and look forward to seeing what other chaos we can generate together.’
Marc Gascoigne was just as excited about the deal, saying that: “Jim Moore is one of the all-time good guys to work with. Already a master of sinister dark fantasy and horror, it turns out he’s really good at epic fantasy too. We’ve still got two more titles to publish in the Seven Forges sequence, but I’m so pleased we’ve been able to sign him up for this brand new series of everyday warriors caught up in empire-spanning events too.”
More details, covers, extracts, etc as they reach us 🙂