Fantasy-Faction Anthology: Order the Paperback (UK, US & Canada!)

It is hard to believe that the Fantasy-Faction Anthology that we worked so hard on for almost three years is now out there and being read by Fantasy fans around the world. The following are unsolicited reviews we’ve picked up from readers who have already enjoyed their copy:

“I don’t usually read short stories, but these are amazing”

“Some real gems amongst the pile of gold coins”

“Here you get to see Fantasy in all it’s glory”

“I’ve read more anthologies this year than I have in a long time, and I’m quite happy to say that this one is by far the best.”

“Something to please everyone”

“I hope the anthology is the first of many to come”

Here’s what’s inside:

From award winning website, Fantasy-Faction, comes an anthology of short stories and articles celebrating the fantasy genre’s diversity. Dragons, magic, clones, portals and swords are just some of what awaits you on the quests and investigations within. Written by a combination of genre giants and previously unpublished authors, this is Fantasy-Faction in a book.

Table of Contents

Marc Aplin | Introduction
Richard Morgan | Killing the Magic
Mark Lawrence | The Dream-Taker’s Apprentice
Jessalyn Heaton | The Unsung
Anne Lyle | Historical Research for Fantasy Writers
Jon Sprunk | Honour Bound
Edmund Wells | Oasis
Kameron Hurley | Creating Better Fantasy Economies
Rene Sears | Misericordia
Adrian Tchaikovsky | The House on the Old Cliffs
Myke Cole | Cazar el Muerto
Miah Sonnel | The Dealer
James Barclay | The Preservation and Evolution of Elves
Daniel Beazley | Sharag’s Shank
Richard Ford | The Halfwyrd’s Burden
Mark Charan Newton | Advice I’d Give My Younger Self
Michael J. Sullivan | The Autumn Mist
John Yeo Jr. | Overdue

For those who don’t know the story: the anthology is made up of six contest winners and the rest are short stories and articles by professional authors. NONE OF THE PROFESSIONAL AUTHORS WERE PAID FOR THEIR WORK. They all donated stories and articles to us to support our site! (Which isn’t cheap to run). Fantasy-Faction’s popularity and reputation meant all these writers were more than willing to help and essentially means you guys made this whole project possible. Without you all this never would never have happened. You guys visit us regularly, talk about us, recommend us, retweet us, comment on our articles and reviews, and it truly means so much.

As you all know, and as with all things Fantasy-Faction, this whole project is not for profit. All we want to do is cover our costs and HOPEFULLY make enough to fund the server costs and another writing contest in the future. For that reason we are only asking cost price for this anthology of £7.00 + P&P of £2.80 (in the US and Canada $12.00 + shipping & handling of $4.50) and leave it up to you if you’d like to pay anything extra towards the site/future projects in form of a donation – I’m kind of reluctant to call it ‘pay what you like’, because we have to cover costs, you see. Oh, and right now we’ve decided to sell this anthology only through Fantasy-Faction – we’ll probably not put it on Amazon until January (we want to make sure our visitors and supporters get to enjoy it first!).

Fantasy-Faction Anthology Press Proof

Finally, I’d just like to say that this has been one heck of a ride and one heck of a learning experience. Putting together an anthology is so, so much more difficult than we expected, but even more rewarding too. We really hope that you enjoy reading what we have all created. Truly, we think this anthology represents our community superbly – it’s fun, it’s fantastical and it’s diverse!


Thank you so much for taking an interest in this project; every order placed will support Fantasy-Faction and keeping this community we all love so much online and growing 🙂

Finally: the next shipment of these is due to go out right at the beginning of December. If you’ve ordered yours and it has not arrived yet then it will be going out with that next shipment – although please feel free to email Marc.Aplin[at] – and I will confirm that you are on that list and that your copy will soon be with you. I hate waiting for the postman too!


By Overlord

is a Martial Artist, Reader, Student, Boston Terrier owner, Social Media Adviser (to UK Gov/Parliament) and the founder of It's a varied, hectic life, but it's filled with books and Facebook and Twitter and Kicking stuff - so he'd not have it any other way.

8 thoughts on “Fantasy-Faction Anthology: Order the Paperback (UK, US & Canada!)”
  1. Hi, I know I’m a little late but I just purchased one of the last ten UK editions. I was wondering if you could tell me, roughly, how long do you think it’ll be delivery-wise? Also, great blog, love the site.

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