Brandon Sanderson responds to F-F Most Anticipated Award with ‘Words of Radiance’ teaser

I’m sure most of you by now have read and enjoyed last week’s Top 30 Most Anticipated Fantasy Novels of 2014 post, right? Well, if you have, you will know that Fantasy-Faction made the incredibly difficult choice of naming Words of Radiance by Brandon Sanderson as the book we are most anticipating.

Well, Brandon Sanderson has been in touch to speak a little about what these kinds of awards mean to him and even teases us a little with what we’ve got to look forward to in the books epilogue…

I am extremely humbled that my book was named Fantasy Faction’s most anticipated book of 2014, though it is a very strange distinction to earn. It’s a little like being told you’re favored to win the race before you actually start. Or maybe even a little bit like winning the Nobel Peace Prize before you start your presidency. It’s a lot to live up to and a little bit frightening, because the book’s already turned in. I’ve done everything I can to make it fantastic.

You’re not saying that it’s the best book of the year, but that you hope it will be the best. To those of you waiting for the book, I suggest that once you’ve read it, you take a look at the epilogue, where Wit has a few words to say about expectations and the dangers that come along with them.

HUGE thank you for Brandon for taking the time to respond to his award and, once again, do not miss Words of Radiance, which is out later this year!

By the way, a few years ago a VERY nervous version of myself interviewed Brandon Sanderson about his first book, Way of Kings. You can check that out here if you’ve never seen it.


By Overlord

is a Martial Artist, Reader, Student, Boston Terrier owner, Social Media Adviser (to UK Gov/Parliament) and the founder of It's a varied, hectic life, but it's filled with books and Facebook and Twitter and Kicking stuff - so he'd not have it any other way.

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