The Week In SFF From The Web

The last few weeks have been crazy given that we’ve had the likes of the Disney/Star Wars merger and the US election both of which have supplied us with more parodies, memes and other stupidity than we know what to do with. So, you’d be forgiven for thinking that this week was a quiet one but it hasn’t been! For your  perusal today, we have DISCWORLD, PHILIP PULLMAN, GRRM ON GOT VS LOTR, WORLD BOOK NIGHT, and finally, why I will start drinking lattes, GENRE LATTES that is.


Books and Publishing

Discworld News! Terry Pratchett has announced the future of the Disc is in safe hands as he plans to pass it over to his daughter, author and game writer Rhianna Pratchett to continue the stories of Vimes and co.

Writers take note! Chuck Wendig continues his ever excellent blog with his 25 Ways to Unstick A Stuck Story. 


Those great chaps at Angry Robot have revealed the cover for Adam Christopher’s forthcoming The Atomic Age. It’s hard not to love that design, with it’s very 1950s ‘ain’t the world gonna be great’ style.

[A] Red Country is out this week in the US. and to celebrate, Joe Abercrombie has written a post for This one is about important characters from fiction and the real world who can’t play piano as well as they would like or in some cases can’t count to ten, but are awesome.

The one and only Philip Pullman, author of the His Dark Materials series and the all new take on the Grimm fairy tales, is interviewed over at MotherJones.

SFSignal has a pretty interesting article on how The Princess Bride has influenced many of todays more popular SFF authors.

Back with Angry Robot again who have announced that they will be publishing two books in the post-apocalyptic Duskwalker Cycle series by Jay Posey.

Dr Who

You know when you live at home with your parents and the fridge is amazingly like a TARDIS in that it seems to never run out of things to discover and then suddenly you rent your own place and the fridge has never felt a more lonely and empty place? Well bring back that homely feeling with THIS, a TARDIS fridge!


The first shots have been released from the filming for Neil Gaiman’s second Dr Who episode. I’ve always loved the idea of the Cybermen but never felt that they’ve been fully utilised. Here’s hoping the G-man changes all that. I’ll put money down that says he does. (Via NerdApproved)


This was inevitable… Man, the interwebs work fast. (via

Geeky Breakfast


If my local coffee shop did lattes like these then I… well, I might start drinking lattes. To hell with the lactose intolerance!


It’s dangerous to eat alone, take these cookies! Yes, you’re seeing this right, these are absolutely perfect Zelda cookies.


The entire The HOBBIT: An Unexpected Journey soundtrack is up FOR FREE on the website!


Game of Thrones VS Lord Of The Rings… FIGHT! Frodo vs Tyrion, who would win we wonder. Well, who better to ask than the man who wrote and is still writing half the war, Mr GRR Martin himself. Whatta chap. Humble and honest too apparently. Check it out over at MTV


A roller blinds company are running a competition for your finest Steampunk artwork. Here’s the link to the competition. (via



The Dexter television series is due to end soon but Marvel have announced this week that the original scribe himself Jeff Lindsay will be teaming up with Deadpool artist Dalabor Talajic to keep the Dexter stories a’comin’.


The books for World Book Night 2013 have been announced and the meanest chin in the history of comics, Judge Dredd himself features on the list with the truly excellent The Dark Judges tale. If you fancy getting involved too then all the links are there. Go on, get involved, get the world reading. 

Excited for the new THOR film, THOR: The Dark World? Fancy a cheeky spoilery first look at Christopher Eccleston as antagonist extraordinaire, Malekith? Just click here for the link to

And finally…
BANTHA PUG!  …that is all.

Ciao world. Catch you in seven.


By Paul Wiseall

One day, Paul Wiseall intends on growing up and getting a real job as a superhero or a dinosaur but for the moment, he is quite happy with this writing malarkey as it is far too much fun. He does have a degree in History but please don’t judge him too harshly as he really isn’t that boring. Honest. For those who are interested, he is a film buff, a chronic comic collector and inhales anything written by Neil Gaiman, China Mieville and Terry Pratchett. Paul tends to live in his head more than anywhere else but his tangible self can often be found frequenting coffee shops or living behind a laptop somewhere in Italy.

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