Critical Role: Vox Machina – Kith & Kin by Marieke Nijkamp

One fun and fascinating thing about being a fantasy geek is how the worlds we love can expand onto multiple platforms and into numerous avenues. Do you like World of Warcraft? Have you heard about the World of Warcraft: The Official Cookbook? Enjoy spending time in broken but beautiful world of The Fifth Season? There’s going to be a movie about it. And don’t even get me started on Avatar: The Last Airbender or Lord of the Rings.

So, when I heard about the new epic fantasy novel Critical Role: Vox Machina—Kith & Kin written by Marieke Nijkamp, I hit the pre-order button so hard I’m pretty sure I injured one of my keyboard buttons. I adore Critical Role and getting the chance to dive back into the fantasy world in one of my favorite mediums was one I couldn’t possibly pass up. Published by Del Rey on November 30, 2021, Kith & Kin follows Vex’ahlia and Vax’ildan, half-elf twins, on their adventures before joining Vox Machina. Readers get to dip into the daring past of these twins and learn even more about them.

And what an adventure it is!

I recently finished this novel and now it lives in my mind, rent free. During the quests of Vox Machina, viewers might remember hearing about the twins’ past, but the book does a deep dive into what happened to them. It cleverly shifts timelines between when they were younger living in Byroden (a small village) and then in Syngorn (a posh elven city) and how greatly that transition affected them, to when they were older and trying to make a name for themselves bouncing from city to city, stealing or sweet talking their way into deals. It explores how Vex became the shrewd ranger and Vax became the swindling rogue we saw during the Vox Machina escapades. Getting to see Vex and Vax as little kids was heartwarming…and sometimes heart wrenching…but reading about their adventures when they’re older was fascinating.

The journey took a tumble when a thieves’ guild named The Clasp snuck onto the page and forces Vax into a deal he can’t dagger-dagger-dagger his way out of. The twins traveled to the wilds, encountered a mining town that has more than gemstones hidden within its walls and under its mountains, and found themselves on the opposite ends of a long-trodden conflict.

The book explores how there are two sides to every story and how nothing is black and white. While some areas of the fantasy plotline are easy to spot and the writing can be a little clunky, it’s a good story where danger and undead lurk around every corner. And at its core, it’s a story of the twins, of the intense bond the siblings share, and the everlasting power of having someone else in your corner no matter what happens. I think this is where Nijkamp truly shines, in capturing the dynamic between the twins.

Quite frankly, it was fun read! I loved every little detail Nijkamp wove into the novel and truly appreciated the small nods to the future as well. I learned so much about the twins and what shaped them on their way to Vox Machina. It’s a high fantasy book I’d definitely recommend.

Four out of five daggers from me!


By Kellie Doherty

Kellie Doherty has a master’s in book publishing from Portland State University. She’s the author of the Cicatrix Duology (Finding Hekate and Losing Hold) and is currently working on a five-book fantasy series. The first book Sunkissed Feathers & Severed Ties will be out in early 2019! During the day, she’s an office assistant and freelance editor, and by night she’s crafting adventures full of magic and daggers...and maybe a few dragons, too. Find out more at and follow her on Twitter @Kellie_Doherty.

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