Eric-ARWe keep a close eye on Angry Robot’s latest signings here at Fantasy-Faction HQ. This is because we know that when Angry Robot snap an author up, there’s two things guaranteed: brilliantness and something a little bit different. Need examples? Wesley Chu, Chuck Wendig, Anne Lyle, Adam Christopher, Laura Lam and many, many more besides should do!

So, back to today’s author: Angry Robot have signed a gentleman named Eric Fischl and look to bring us his fantastical tale of circus acts, magical elixirs and whole cast of larger-than-life characters in early 2017.

We got in touch with the folk over at Angry Robot to ask them a bit more about what we can expect and here is what they gave us:

The year is 1878.

Dr. Alexander Potter, disgraced Civil War surgeon, now huckster and seller of snake-oil, travels the wet roads of the Pacific Northwest with a disheartened company of strongmen, illusionists, fortunetellers, and musical whores.  Under the quiet command of the mysterious, merciless, and murderous Lyman Rhoades, they entertain the masses while hawking the Chock-a-saw Sagwa Tonic, a vital elixir touted to cure all ills both physical and spiritual … although, for a few unfortunate customers, the Sagwa offers something much, much worse.

For drunken dentist Josiah McDaniel, the Sagwa has taken everything from him; in the hired company of two accidental outlaws, the bickering brothers Solomon Parker and Agamemnon Rideout, he looks to revenge himself on the Elixir’s creator: Dr. Morrison Hedwith, businessman, body-thief, and secret alchemist, a man who is running out of time.

Here’s some more about Eric: 
Reader, writer, lapsed musician, and history enthusiast Eric Fischl spent a peripatetic childhood in Tripoli (Libya), Texas, and Wyoming, followed by a long stay in Portland, Oregon.

After attaining his undergraduate degree in music composition, Eric set about paying off his massive student loans with a career in an entirely unrelated field.  He currently lives in the Bitterroot Mountains south of Missoula, Montana, where he balances creative endeavours with his day job managing the technology group for a conservation-focused nonprofit.

Sound fun? Yeah… we know! Phil Jourdan, Angry Robot’s consulting editor, revealed: “Little does Eric know that, by joining the robot army, he has inadvertently signed up to be one of our most exciting new authors. His strange, inventive, slightly mad-scientist-at-the-opera-kind-of-title is an obvious fit for our list and we welcome him with open metallic claws.”

I know, I know… your TBR lists are already long enough without forcing you to add titles due in 2017 to it… but, you know… how could we resist?

We will bring you more information as we get it =)


By Overlord

is a Martial Artist, Reader, Student, Boston Terrier owner, Social Media Adviser (to UK Gov/Parliament) and the founder of It's a varied, hectic life, but it's filled with books and Facebook and Twitter and Kicking stuff - so he'd not have it any other way.

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